A brand is a distinct product or business and branding is the act of impressing a product service or business on the mind of a consumer or a set of consumers. This process may last a lifetime, or for as long as the consumer remains in the demographic group. Some believe that branding is not only about ubiquity, visibility and function, but about emotionally bonding with a target group of customers.
And a major part of that lies in the design. …
(H Vaid, 2003)
Visual Identity
Visual identity is
"building the essential elements
that an organisation is known by: name, logo or symbol, colour, typographic style and visual language, and how you uniquely put these together, how you express these to create a sign, an image, creating the building bricks of an organisation's DNA.”
Sean Perkins of Studio North UK (Perkins, 2016)
Visual Identity
In most cases, identity design is based around the visual devices used within a company, usually assembled within a set of guidelines. These guidelines that make up an identity usually administer how the identity is applied throughout a variety of mediums, using approved colour palettes, fonts, layouts, measurements and so forth. These guidelines ensure that the identity of the company is kept coherent, which in turn, allows the brand as a whole, to be recognisable.
The identity or ‘image’ of a company is made up of many visual devices:
A Logo (The symbol of the entire identity & brand)
Stationery (Letterhead + business card + envelopes, etc.)
Marketing Collateral (Flyers, brochures, books, websites, etc.)
Products & Packaging (Products sold and the packaging in which they come in)
Apparel Design (Tangible clothing items that are worn by employees)
Signage (Interior & exterior design)
Messages & Actions (Messages conveyed via indirect or direct modes of communication)
Other Communication (Audio, smell, touch, etc.)
Anything visual that represents the business.
All of these things make up an identity and should support the brand as a whole. The logo however, is the corporate identity and brand all wrapped up into one identifiable mark. This mark is the avatar and symbol of the business as a whole.
(H Vaid, 2003) SmdyCY
Branding is the process by which a company, a product name or an image becomes synonomous with a set of values, aspiration or state ssuch as “youth”, “independence”, ”trustworthiness”, ”quality” or “performance”.. Brand Equity (the value associated with a brand) is built over time through different media, such as television, radio, the internet, print advertising, product placement (branding by association), or peer groups (particularly in the case of youth markets.
(H Vaid, 2003)
Designers may involved in branding in many ways, from advertising concept development, through to the production of print and digital material ranging from print ads, email marketing campaigns, commissioning or producing photography or illustrations for a campaign, producing animations, film, web content for a marketing campaign. Designers may be involved in developing aspects of a brands visual identity such as logos, information systems and other graphic elements that are used to create maintain and increase the visual presence of a brand.
(Editor Design North Community 2016)